Lewis Family Reunion

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I married the most spontaneous man! Grant's awesome mom, Ginger, is one of 12 kids. 12 kids!! They had a big family reunion close to Zion National Park. At first, Grant and I weren't going to make it because of work obligations, but at the last minute, our schedule cleared up and we decided to make the drive to Utah for the reunion! 

Crossing the Arizona/Utah border is beautiful. We had to take break to stretch our legs and to take a picture of this gorgeous blue sky!
My handsome man
We love our little Mazda! This little car has been everywhere, from San Fransisco all the way to Houston, Texas. It has taken us to do some FUN things! 
Like father like son! Both relaxing...I can't believe how much these two are alike!
I seriously am so blessed with the greatest in laws! Isn't Ginger beautiful!?

We got there and realized that it was a PARTY with so many cousins! We played some intense games of cards and volleyball.

The next day, some of us went hiking! We decided to hike the Narrows, which was so awesome because the whole hike, we trudged through cold water. 

Grant thought it would be funny to take a picture of me taking my 2 second nap before our big hike. I was exhausted!

My man walking on water! ;)

The views were incredible! Heavenly Father has made such beautiful world to live in. As we were hiking, I couldn't help but feel in my heart those happy tappings of gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father and for his wonderful blessings.

It was a really fun trip, and we were bummed to have to come home. There is nothing greater than family and knowing that we will be together forever!

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