Covenant companions give 100%

I was very inspired this week by the talk called, “Covenant Marriage” by Elder Bruce C. Hafen. While studying this talk, I pictured myself and my new husband on March 14, 2015. We had just be sealed for time and all eternity and we now walking out of the temple doors as eternal companions. We were (and still are) so happy. We took a huge leap of faith, but we knew that it would be worth it- so worth it! Since that beautiful start of forever, we have felt joy, sadness, success, and heartache. Just like every marriage there is opposition in all things, but just like Elder Hafen mentioned, I have learned the importance of having a marriage that is based on a covenant rather than a contract.

As I have thought a lot this week about what a covenant marriage looks like, I have come to the conclusion that a covenant marriage is one that never gives up. The husband and wife put their whole heart into the marriage. Covenant companions each truly give 100 percent. Adam and Eve are a perfect example of a couple where each gave 100 percent. They stuck by each other’s sides, even when times were tough. I feel so much gratitude for Adam and Eve because without their decision to partake of the fruit, they would have never known opposition. “They would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery” (2 Nephi 2:23). Left in the garden, they would have never known what true joy feels like. By being sealed for time and all eternity, we are able to experience what the scriptures call, “incomprehensible JOY!

Did you know that just one horse can pull 8,000 pounds? That is a lot of weight, but did you also know that two horses, working together, can pull 24,000 pounds? These horses are teaching us a very clear lesson about teamwork. A covenant marriage is a team. I believe that it is the hard times that help a marriage grow even closer together. 

I know that eternal marriage is not just a temporary legal contract that can end at any time for almost any reason, but it is actually a sacred covenant with God that is binding here on earth and throughout all eternity. An eternal marriage faces opposition, never gives up, is a team, gives 100 percent, and is able to feel incomprehensible joy.

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