To My Beautiful Child: Our IVF Journey Has Begun!

To my beautiful child,

I have so many emotions right now, but mostly gratitude for the crazy journey your dad and I have been on these last 5 years of marriage (4.5 of those years trying to have you!) I've decided to write letters to you to let you know how hard we worked and how hard we prayed for you to be apart of our family. We love you so much already and we can't wait for you to be with us physically on earth.

On January 29, 2020 we had our first appointment with our doctor Dr. Amols and his nurses. They gave us a long checklist of items to accomplish before February 14th. We were in a little bit of a time crunch because we were leaving to Barbados on February 7th and wouldn't be back until February 14th.

We were able to apply for a medication discount program and thankfully received 50% off our bill! We did some blood work, signed our life away knowing some of the side effects of the medication I will be taking, had an SHG done, and met with the financial consultant. Your dad was happy he didn't have to do his 6th semen analysis! :-) We were able to accomplish this whole list a few days before we left the country. It felt good to check these things off our list. Now I will be on birth control to get my hormones in check before we begin the heavy medication. I've never been on birth control before, so this will be interesting!

“There is enough that doesn’t go right in life, so anyone can work themselves into a puddle of pessimism and a mess of melancholy. But I know people who, even when things don’t work out, focus on the wonders and miracles of life. These folks are the happiest people I know.” -Elder Uchtdorf

As we were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my name to be called I couldn't believe how many women were coming in and out of the doctor's office. I have often felt a little alone during this journey. None of my family, cousins, aunts, etc have experienced infertility like this. But sitting there in the doctor's office that day, I realized that there are so many women are experiencing the same thing...and it is HARD! My mom always says, "Happiness is a choice! You can choose to be happy!" Your dad and I have tried our hardest to look for the Lord and to fill our lives with happiness. I know that our lives are in the Lord's hands and I trust in His timing for our family. All I've ever wanted to be is a mother and I can't wait for that day to finally be here.

We love you!


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